Visit Basta Pasta this weekend and try one of our signature dishes!
At Basta Pasta we love pasta so much, we decided to put in in our name! Our menu boasts a variety of irresistible, homemade pasta dishes, and we love sharing our recipes with you and your family. From penne to fettuccine, discover how a hearty pasta dish benefits your taste buds and beyond.
Vitamin B9
White pasta is a great source of vitamin B9, or folate, which plays a vital role in red blood cell development. A serving of white pasta provides 167 micrograms of vitamin B9, almost 50% of the daily recommended intake established by the Institute of Medicine.
There’s a reason why athletes need to “carbo load” the night before a game or race. Carbohydrates serve as a primary source of energy for your body. They help fuel your body throughout the day, and they also promote a healthy digestive system. Unless you’re running a marathon or playing in the Raiders vs. Ravens game, it’s best to enjoy pasta carbohydrates in moderation.
Whole-wheat pasta provides a considerable amount of daily fiber, which is an essential component of a healthy diet. A high-fiber diet offers a variety of benefits. It helps maintain bowel health, lowers cholesterol levels, helps control blood sugar levels, and aids in achieving weight loss.
Well-Balanced Meal
Pasta can serve as a base for healthy dishes rich in healthy fats and vegetables. If you’re looking for the healthiest option on the menu, choose a tomato-based sauce over a cream-based sauce. Select the dish that offers the most vegetables, and ask your server for low-fat options.
Celebrate National Pasta Month with Basta Pasta
For over 12 years, Basta Pasta has been providing Marylanders with delicious Italian specials cooked from fresh, delicious, high-quality ingredients. Enjoy a taste of classic Italian food with spectacular pasta dishes, unlimited salad and breadsticks, and sumptuous fine Italian wines. To make a reservation at our Timonium, Fallston, Perry Hall, or Eldersburg location, contact us online or give us a call at the location-specific phone number listed here. To find out more about our menu, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
Don’t feel like going out? Order our signature crab cakes online and enjoy Basta Pasta at the comfort of your dining room table.